On sharing your Bookshelf

I have published a Books page with (most of) the books I have read in the last ~15 years or so. I collated the list from different sources and personal notes since I stopped using Goodreads & Co. a long time ago, and manually entered each book on the Bookshelf page here on Micro.blog. I thought it would have been a tedious task, but it was quite the opposite, almost funny to notice how my tastes and interest have shifted over the years.

I’ve spent one too many hours in the process of settling on a solution that I liked, design and functionality-wise, and during the said process, I’ve read many interesting articles and visited quite a few good personal libraries. Here are some links, that I’ve already shared with @matthiasott:

I decided to stick to the text-only experiences as with the rest of my website, and not publish the cover art of each book for now, even though that’s a nice feature of Micro.blog. Though the final output might be a bit underwhelming considering my initial grandiose plans, I liked its minimalistic approach.

For now, I avoided going too deep into this rabbit hole and adding highlights and personal notes for each book. Maybe that’s something for v2.0. However, I intend to share my process of curating and resurfacing my highlights in a future post.

I’m happy to have invested the time in doing this, because I think the books you’ve read are in no small part a piece of your own CV.